Upcoming Meetings

Upcoming Activities


Wendy Beth Moore is an award-winning marketer and intense researcher. In her role as Research & Marketing Manager at Hear Well Be Well Hearing Clinics, she does the deep dive into the science and social science around hearing loss.

Did you know ignoring hearing loss can have far-reaching repercussions?

Untreated hearing loss has been shown, through world-wide research, to increase your risks of developing concerning health issues, including dementia and depression. It’s also known to contribute to the risk of a serious fall putting you in hospital—and 1/3 of older adults who go to hospital because of a fall don’t go home. They go to long-term care.

And if that’s not enough, research is now showing the profound impact of ignored hearing loss on relationships. There are some startling statistics.

Learn the signs of hearing loss and the risks of leaving it untreated in this amusing, informative presentation.

LUNCH BUNCH: After the meeting, all members are invited to have lunch (at their own cost) at a local restaurant. A great way to get to know your fellow members.


Tom Herstad, a marketing major, entrepreneur and technology expert, has been bringing physical light into homes for many years.

He now is bringing transformational light into the hearts of families around the world with Margie’s Message of hope.

One woman (his mother) made the difference in numerous lives, and Margie’s stories can be adopted and emulated by us, to change the lives of others in our circle of influence.

Despite her childhood hardships, then losing the love of her life and becoming a young widow with four children, the beautiful, vivacious Margie dedicated her life to loving, caring and sharing her wisdom.

Margie opened her heart and her home to help those who needed her loving guidance. With unswerving dedication to her family and friends, she transformed lives and inspired joy and hope in everyone through her generosity, sense of fun and unfailing faith.

The many recollections within this uplifting tribute to a unique, sweet soul portray Margie’s loving legacy. Love, Care and Share will inspire you to find what is most important to you. You will discover your own truth, and how everyone, everywhere, every day has opportunities to make a positive difference.

Click on the WATCH LAST MEETING button above to watch the whole meeting or go directly to the guest speaker's presentation at the 32:16 minute mark.


The PROBUS Club of Cambridge provides the opportunity for retired or semi-retired men having similar interests to meet and mingle, enjoy challenging, interesting guest speakers and join into some group activities.

PROBUS Clubs are not service organizations. We do not engage in fundraising, sectarian or political activities. Rather, we function solely for the benefit and interest of our members.

If you are not a member, you are in the right place to seek information about our Club, and how you can join us.

If you have any questions, please contact our Membership Chair, Bob McBlain at 519-621-9149 or email us at info@probuscambridge.org 

We hope to see you soon!

Ray Miske
President 2023-24

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