Upcoming Meetings

Upcoming Activities


Kathy Somers will speak about "Tips for Better Sleep".

Kathy runs the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic at the University of Guelph.

She is a registered Kinesiologist who is board certified in biofeedback (Biofeedback Certification International Alliance) and certified in Stress Management Education.

Since 1983 Kathy has taught relaxation and stress management skills to groups and individuals. She currently provides the University of Guelph with programs in Relaxation & Stress Management Skills, Better Sleep, Decreasing Headaches, STOP Worrying!,

Does it take a long time to fall asleep? Mid-night awakenings? Sleep is not refreshing?

Kathy will share the most effective drug-free strategies to promote better, restful sleep. (Yes, it's true that long term use of sleeping pills changes your sleep structure and generates insomnia!)

Topics covered include:

- the 3 keys to decreasing insomnia

- what robs us of energizing sleep

- how to fall asleep (or back to sleep) more easily

- techniques that settle down the busy brain making it easier to sleep.

PERSONAL VIGNETTE: Also in this meeting, Mike Atkinson will be delivering his personal vignette.

LUNCH BUNCH: After the meeting, all members are invited to have lunch (at their own cost) at a local restaurant. A great way to get to know your fellow members.


Bill Cassels spoke to us about:

"Senior Years Can Be Your Best Years"

At sixteen, when applying for his first job, Bill was told that due to his speech impediment, he would:

never be employed

never have a social life

never be married

never have children (he still does not know what a speech impediment has to do with sex)

He was never unemployed, even for a day, after he got his first job in Scotland. He got his first job in Canada, in less than twelve hours, after his arrival at Toronto train station. Bill has always had an active social life, was married 43 years to Christine, his late wife, has three children and 7 grandchildren.

His apprenticeship was served in Scotland as a draftsperson. He immigrated to Canada in 1956 where he continued his drafting career, rising to the position of contract coordinator with draftspersons under his supervision.

In 1974 he joined Toastmasters even though in day-to-day communication he avoided speaking, by writing notes on pieces of paper.

After many years of persistence the impediment is now under control. Today he speaks to audiences as few as 10 and as many as 500.

The 92-year-old has made stops across Canada, the United States, Grand Cayman and Scotland to wow people with his words.

PERSONAL VIGNETTE: Norm Fagerdahl shared his background and past experiences with us. 

Click here to watch the vignette.

Click on the WATCH LAST MEETING button above to watch the whole meeting or go directly to the guest speaker's presentation at the 40:36 minute mark.


The PROBUS Club of Cambridge provides the opportunity for retired or semi-retired men having similar interests to meet and mingle, enjoy challenging, interesting guest speakers and join into some group activities.

PROBUS Clubs are not service organizations. We do not engage in fundraising, sectarian or political activities. Rather, we function solely for the benefit and interest of our members.

If you are not a member, you are in the right place to seek information about our Club, and how you can join us.

If you have any questions, please contact our Membership Chair, Bob McBlain at 519-621-9149 or email us at info@probuscambridge.org 

We hope to see you soon!

Ray Miske
President 2023-24

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